Ernest Vanmosuinck

About me

I have been studying and working in Computer Science for since 2017. That year, I joined a Bachelor of Science in Applied Computing in Scotland. The course was partially taught at Forth Valley College and the University of Stirling (2y-2y). During summer 2020, I was given the opportunity to work at an IT company, ZennIT, located in Brussels. There, I developped and managed Wordpress websites development for clients and in-house projects.
I currently graduated from a Master in Computer Science, in the Artificial Intelligence speciality, at Leiden Universiteit in the Netherlands.


In this section, I discuss some interesting projects I have done/participated in over the pasts few years.




  • 4th Year Research Project: this project was created for the final year of my Bachelor's degree and was supervised by Dr. Alexander Brownlee. The aim of this project was to optimize a building fenestration problem by implementing a NSGA-2 algorithm with surrogate fitness evaluation in the form of a multilayer perceptron.

  • CSCU9YW - Web Services: this project was done as an assignment for the course Web Services (CSCU9YW). The aim of the project was to build a system using SOAP (document/literal) to establish a connection between a service and a client, where the service fetches the contact's information from a database (stored locally).

  • CSCU9YQ - NoSQL Databases: this project was written for the final assignment of the course NoSQL Databases (CSCU9YQ) and was done in collaboration with Robbie Weld. In this project, we answered a variety of questions regarding the movies data collected on the following websites: IMDb, Rotten Tomatoes, and Metacritic.

  • CSCU9YE - Artificial Intelligence: this project was written as final assignment for the course Artificial Intelligence (CSCU9YE) in collaboration with John Ritch and Robbie Weld. The project aimed to investigate three AI algorithms to re-order a set of colours in an "aesthetically-pleasing" order.

  • CSCU9YH - Mobile App Development: This project was realized as final assignment for the course Mobile App Development (CSCU9YH). The task was to create a convertion application that would allow the user to select two units, and then on a different fragment allow them to enter a value and convert it to the selected unit.

  • CSCU9N6 - Game Development: this project was written for the final assignment of the course Game Development (CSCU9N6). The aim of the project was to build a 2-dimensional platfomer video game in Java.
